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Leather What is the Best 1911 Holster of 2024?

  • 5 min read

1911 is a legendary handgun designed by the famous American firearm creator John Browning. The pistol is an exemplary specimen of firearm design and has been used by US soldiers and Marines for a long time. Even though a century has passed since its inception, the handgun's sway over the firearm market continues. It is still a popular choice among concealed carriers. However, uncovering the right holster to keep the weapon is quite a challenge. A common question in the minds of most shooters is: What is the best 1911 holster?

The best holster for 1911 is made of leather and offers the perfect balance of durability and comfort. More than inside-the-waistband or IWB holsters, OWB or outside-the-waistband, paddle, belt, and shoulder carrying options are chosen to disguise this full-sized pistol. Read on to find out the qualities of these holsters.

An Overview of the Iconic 1911 Pistol

The name of the 1911 pistol is enough to give a glimpse of its history. It was built in 1911 and since then, remains the weapon of choice.
1911 emerged as the winner among the various pistol designs that were submitted when the US realized it needed a powerful handgun for attaining victory in jungle warfare sometime around the late 1800s. The design by Colt was adopted by the American army on March 29, 1911, followed by the US Navy & Marine Corps in 1913. During the World War II, 1911 was the best handgun available. Today, it comes in three different sizes (5-inch barrel, 4-inch barrel, and 3-inch barrel). These models are available with or without rails according to specific needs.

OWB Holsters for 1911 Pistol

Marshal™ OWB Holster

OWB holsters are ideal to cover and conceal the frame of the 1911 pistol. This style of carry feels more comfortable, ensuring that you can carry the gun day in and day out. You don't need to keep adjusting yourself or your 1911 gun to hide the telltale signs of carrying it.

The best example of a leather holster for a 1911 pistol is Wright Leather Works' Marshall OWB strong side holster. It is crafted with a single belt slot showing to the rear of the user's body. Consequently, it gives a smaller footprint. One belt loop slot with a molded belt channel keeps your 1911's grip closer to your body. It leads to better concealment with a light cover.

The holster can fit up to a to1-3/4" belt. Moreover, it is configured at a 15 ° cant. This setting allows you to comfortably draw and holster your 1911 handgun. When you use it, your everyday concealed-carry experience becomes a lot more pleasant.

 Shop Marshal™ OWB Holster


Best Paddle Holster for 1911 Model

Outsider ROR Reflex-Optics-Ready Paddle Holster

A paddle holster is the next great option. This kind of OWB holster is secured to the wearer through a flat, concave-shaped plastic. If you prefer leather, then the holster will be secured to your body through stiffened leather, which you will wear against your body inside the pants.

Many paddle holsters for 1911 use a molded paddle. It is angled tightly so it clips onto the waist of your trousers, following the curve of your hip. Such a holster offers the similar physical placement as a holster with a belt-loop option. The difference is that it delivers greater comfort.

The best paddle holster for 1911 also has a quick-draw design. It features adjustable cant, making it appropriate for everyday carry. Also, the retention of the piece is also great, which gives the pistol the needed stability. If you use optics with 1911, check out Wright Leather Works Outsider ROR Reflex-Optics-Ready Paddle Holster. It features a high-end G-Code 'Large Paddle' that can be worn wherever you feel comfortable.

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Shoulder Holster for 1911

Maverick Shoulder Holster

As mentioned above, shoulder holsters are also a great way to carry your 1911 without feeling uncomfortable. Based on your draw preference, this style of holster combines a left or right horizontally laid holster under your armpit with a counterbalancing accessory pouch that balances the load. Wright Leather Works Maverick Shoulder Holster has a thumb break for safely carrying it with the holster's rig. It is fully customized for the 1911, which ensures that you don't face any issues in securing the gun. Both your pistol and magazines can fit superbly. In addition, the shoulder holster flexes with the movement of the wearer. It further ensures that activities like bending, sitting, and running with 1911 are comfortable.

 Shop Maverick™ Shoulder Holster 





OWB Belt Loop Holster for 1911 Handgun

OWB belt loop holsters are another safe and secure carry solution for 1911. They thread your belt or a tactical accessory. There are loops on the holster for this purpose. Such holsters make the waist carry experience effortless, comfortable, and reliable. The best OWB belt loop holsters for 1911 are easy to attach.
Through them, you can quickly access your handgun when the situation demands. Belt loop holsters are balanced, ensuring that nothing snags your weapon. You can be assured of your 1911 staying secure and experiencing a fast draw when needed.

The only thing to remember is to wear high-strength belts. Otherwise, they will be pulled up when you draw your 1911 vertically.

Is There a Good IWB Holster for 1911?

Banshee IWB Holster

Remember we said before that a full-frame gun like 1911 is best carried openly. Well, if OWB is not your style and you wish to get significant concealability, there are some IWB holsters that can be tried. However, it is necessary to ensure that the holster is customized to your specific 1911 model, and only then will it become the best.

A great example is the Wright Leather Works Banshee IWB Holster. It has a setup similar to pancake style and is extremely low profile. The slim holster easily conceals 1911, and you can configure it to be tuckable. The high-ride leather belt straps are what make it possible for you to carry a large-sized gun like 1911 concealed. Along with that, tuck-able deep concealment clips make the holster tuckable. Both the belt straps and clips are compatible with up to to1-3/4" belt widths.

When looking for the best IWB holster for 1911, you should consider the material of construction. The top ones are built from strong American steer hide. They have a contoured design and double stitching, making them durable.

Shop Banshee™ IWB Holster

Final Words

Now, you know the best holster options for carrying your 1911. It's essential to explore a variety of models, as mentioned above, and practice using them a few times. The ideal option will ensure your safety and comfort. Make sure to check out Wright Leather Works models for conceal-carrying your 1911 comfortably every day.

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